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REITs: The Future of Real Assets Investing

REITs and InvITs now enable you to invest in commercial real estate or infrastructure assets in India for as little as under INR 500!

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You can now buy and sell REIT & InvIT 'units' in India, just like normal equity stocks through your trading account. However the returns, taxation, margins etc. are different for these units of REITs and InvITs vis-a-vis normal equity stocks and some amount of learning can prove immensely useful. Introduce yourself to these instruments in this section before you go in depth to find out more.

REITs and InvITs are acronyms for “Real Estate Investment Trusts” and “Infrastructure Investment Trusts” respectively. They enable you to invest in commercial real estate or infrastructure assets for as little as under INR 500. Click to know more

Click above to see history of REITs & InvITs in India and what returns are offered. Brookfield Embassy Mindspace and Nexus REITs are already listed. IRB, Indigrid and PG InvIT are listed too. Explore why they are said to be the future of real assets investing in India

A quick tour of REITs in a structured way to get you started right away. The contents are courtesy Embassy REIT. Click here!

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Essential tools and resources for the learning journey
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Join a whatsapp group to explore and share your knowledge with others. Click here!

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Download files: an introductory write up on REITs; ; an excel file to calculate your returns calculation concept, more…DOWNLOAD here!

Reading Books Makes You Better

First book is focused on Real Estate Investment and Finance. Second is dedicated to REITs & InvITs book for Indian markets. Click here 

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Blogs that help you explore more on specific topics. A collection of writings dedicated to the subject

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A rich compilation of several videos, a dedicated channel on REITs & InvITs. Click here to visit our Youtube channel

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Express your interest in upcoming FREE Master Class on REITs & InvITs. Click here


Up-skill Yourself : We have a wide range of options for REIT & InvIT trainings


Single Session (1-to-1)

You can take a one to one session for any understanding of REIT and InvIT instruments that you need. Also, if you are familiar with REIT and InvIT instruments (and have been active over a period of time) you may still have some doubts and certain queries. In both cases, you may opt for a one to one session. The interactive session can effectively help us solve your questions directly.  


Training Package (Full)

A training package, to help equip the participant with a working knowledge base for REITs and InvITs, assess how and to what extent REITs and InvITs fit into your financial plans. It is a one time exercise to equip you adequately with respect to your financial planning exercise specially, REITs and InvIT investment decision making.

The above is provided as an educative service and is not a portfolio management service.


Customized solutions

Customized training sessions can be provided for educational institutions and organisations. The sessions can also be structured as per needs of investment industry like brokers & intermediaries, treasury verticals of corporate entities and financial advisory service professionals also. Please contact by email  mentioning "Customized solution" in the subject or by whatsapp by clicking below

Book Stack

Books to read


"Real Estate Investment & Financial Analysis: The Four Essentials of Building Wealth with Realty" is a unique book (awarded “Best Books of All Time” by Book Authority) and it focuses on  analyzing realty as an asset class which impacts everyone. Although this site focuses on REITs and InvITs, the unique financial instruments for realty assets, some readers may also wish to get a better idea of financial analysis at the asset level.

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The book "REITs and InvITs: Whats new in the Indian Strock markets" covers REITs and InvITs in the Indian context. These investment vehicles offer investors both categories of investment– a slice of the capital markets and a slice of the real estate markets. Since it is a relatively new concept in India, the first chapter touches on a few related topics to quickly answer some preliminary questions that a reader seeks.

Latest Videos 

Videos from our dedicated REIT and InvIT Channel (YouTube handle @reitspro)


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